My life as a single mompreneur

Ever want something really badly, but get paralyzed in the process of making it happen? Then you might be a chicken. Not sure what that looks like? Could be something like this:

  1. You see what you want, but you won’t go after it.
  2. Someone offers you what you want, yet you politely turn it down.
  3. Just the thought of taking a step in the direction of said goal, sends chills down your spine.
You know you’re a chicken if any of those ring true. Guess what? I’m a chicken. There’s no shame in admitting that fear gets the best of you. Like Captain Planet used to say (ok, so I’m dating myself), “…and knowing is half the battle.” If you are aware of your challenges, then you have a chance to address them.  I’m a chicken through and through, so I often like ignoring my fears until they are right up in my face.
Fortunately or unfortunately for me, I’m blessed to have empowered friends that challenge me to be a better woman.  The discussions are uncomfortable  – and on my part there is a whole lot of squirming, but in the end I can see the prize.  I want to live the life of my dreams, but I’m often too afraid to go after it.  When that happens, I take a deep breath and jump in. It might be a tiny jump, but it’s always forward moving.
If you’re scared find a friend to give you that loving push. Just make sure they have your best interest at heart.

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